Hello citizens of the world,
I am glad you made it here!
Welcome to the website of Spoolz®, the only environment friendly convenience bag which can be reeled-up automatically by pushing the integrated button.
Add a twist to the way you carry things and kick the plastic bag habit!
Smart and clean, take Spoolz®, go green!
Enjoy browsing my website, become a Spooler® by supporting the final realization of my vision and let´s make together a sustainable change by carrying (y)our daily needs without using plastic bags anymore!
Thank you for your interest and support.
Keep on spooling,
Chris alias Mr. Spoolz
Inventor of Spoolz®

is your obvious choice because after having completed your transportation task from A to B, simply press the button and the bag reels-up automatically resulting in a quick and easy use.
lets you discover transporting things from A to B in a completely new way! Kick the plastic bag habit! You will love it and nature will love you for using this stylish and environment friendly convenience bag.
in comparison to other eco-friendly products in the market place today it enables both, a revolutionarily easy as well as much more stylish way of transporting things. Enrich your carrying experience! Mother nature loves this bag – so do you
is your optimal tool in any conceivable situation – no matter whether you go shopping, you are on the way to your favourite outdoor activities during leisure time or it simply adds a twist to your household.
is revolutionary in its easy handling as well as unique style and you most probably will have a lot of fun with Spoolz®. The usage of Spoolz® is only limited by your imagination.
Smart and clean, take Spoolz®, go green!
is the only convenience bag worldwide which enables an automatic reel-up resulting in a compact, reusable and clever transportation solution.
Enjoy the ultimate carrying bag experience with the patented world novelty!
Discover and experience carrying your things in a completely new way – with Spoolz®.
Until now you had the choice between the polluting plastic bag and the tedious lugging of loose goods – both hands full!
Get rid of the black and white method!
,,Success is based on the sum of many, many small steps, because you have to have learned a lot together within the team enabling you to ask for what one does not (yet) know.
All of us live under the same sky, but not all of us have the same horizons.“
Let´s spool forward together,
Chris M. Lorenz
lateral thinker